Thursday, December 20, 2018

How to Prevent Hearing Loss in Dental Office?

There are a few things in life that we simply cannot control and one of those things is time. Time can be so elusive and with this fast-paced lifestyle many people live, it can be difficult to remember to take care of ourselves and preserve the longevity of our bodily abilities. Of course, many of us try to be conscious of what we eat these days and how many days a week we get to exercise but let’s not be neglectful to the rest of our overall health. From your eyesight, teeth, physical health, and hearing, etc.
Everyday occurrences present opportunities for us to prevent and slow down any deterioration our bodies experience. For example, the times you visit your dental office making the effort to maintain the health of your mouth and teeth is the perfect occasion. Did you know that the dental drill emits a high pitch frequency of up to 100 decibels? That’s about as loud as a clap of thunder from a nearby lightning strike. Now that might not seem like a huge deal considering we’ve heard thunderstorms before and haven’t had any immediate hearing loss however, imagine hearing something that loud continuously over a long period of time. Over time that noise could affect your hearing permanently.
As your sitting in that comfortable dental chair having your dental cleaning procedure, the dental drill is constantly in your ear. Some dentists use dental hearing protection to aid in the prevention of long-term hearing loss. Dental hearing protection can come in the form of dental earplugs.
Simple, convenient, and effective are qualities of a great dental earplug. The option to use a simple foam earplug is available but not as efficient or agreeable in a dental office. Your dentist will want to ask you questions to make sure you are feeling well, or if the bite of your tooth is too high, or to maybe tilt your head to the side. With a foam earplug you would have to constantly remove them to hear your dentists’ voice while on the other hand, a specialized dental earplug will block out the high pitch noise and still allow the voice of the doctor to be heard.

Dental earplugs are a small but incredible investment in preserving the endurance of your hearing.

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